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Employment Service

We provide various job offers for foreigners in Japanese companies.

Our main expertise lies in the following Industries:

Total Number of Jobs offering


Specified Skilled Worker (SSW)

One Stop Service:

  • Foreign  Talents Recruitment

  • Application for Specific Skills Accepting Organization

  • Specified Skilled worker Supporting Organization

Support services Available in 6 languages!! 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!







Companies accepting foreigners with specific skills

To  hire  Specified skilled foreigners


Accepting Companies  are required to fulfill the following  Steps:


Document preparation for Accepting Organization 

Submission of documents to the Immigration Services Agency

Fulfill the obligation of Supporting Organization

Contact Us First:

Specified Skilled Worker Connecting Network

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Job seekers in Japan

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Job Seekers in Other Countries

Supporting Company

Provide Placement in Japanese Companies & Support

Provide Placement in Japanese Companies & Support

Subsidiary Company,Contracts, Ethnic & SNS Network

Japanese Companies


Consignment of Support for foreign Human Resources.

Introduce foreign
Human Resources.

We provide Specified Skilled Workers in following Industries:

Nursing Care (Kaigo)

In addition to physical care, etc. (helping with bathing, eating, excretion, etc. according to the physical and mental conditions of the user), and accompanying support work (implementation of recreation, assistance with functional training, etc.)

Food Service 

General restaurant business (food and drink preparation, customer service, store management)

Food & Beverage Manufacturing 

Food and beverage manufacturing industry in general (manufacturing and processing of food and beverages (excluding alcoholic beverages), health and safety)


Formwork construction, earthwork, interior finishing/mounting, plastering, roofing, concrete pumping, telecommunications, tunnel propulsion work, reinforcement construction, construction machinery construction, reinforcement joints

Accommodation Industry

Provision of accommodation services (reception, planning, public relations, customer service, restaurant services, etc.)

Machine Parts & Tooling

Casting, metal stamping, finishing, welding, forging, factory sheet metal, machine inspection, die casting, plating, machine maintenance, machining, aluminum anodizing, painting

Automobile Repair & Manufacture

Daily inspection of automobiles (maintenance, periodic inspection maintenance, overhaul maintenance)

Agriculture & Animal Husbandry

Agriculture (cultivation management, collection and shipment of agricultural products, sorting, etc.)

Livestock farming  (feeding management, collection and shipment of livestock products, sorting, etc.)


Fishery (making and repairing fishing gear, searching for aquatic animals and plants, catching aquatic animals and plants, processing and storing catches, etc.)

Aquaculture (manufacture, repair, and management of aquaculture materials, harvesting, and processing of farmed aquatic animals and plants, etc.)

Our Services as  Registration Support Organization 

Support services Available in 6 languages!! 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

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Specified Skilled Worker  hiring process

1. Call Us 
Our staff will make an appointment to visit you directly by phone. After that, we will visit the site together.
2. Hearing

After our staff visits the site, we will conduct a simple hearing about the work content and conditions.


Investigate whether the occupation and work are applicable.We also check acceptance conditions such as social insurance, workmen's accident, financial statements are not in excess of debt, employment regulations, wage regulations, etc.

3. We will look for candidates

We recruit from Japan and overseas.

*Overseas delivery may take longer.

4. Interview & Preliminary Guidance

Zoom online interview. If the candidates are in Japan then interview in person is possible.


​We will use the life orientation video. In addition, we will support various support and procedures required of the host company.

5. Visa Processing
It takes 1-3 months to apply for a visa regardless of whether you are from Japan or abroad. We will prepare the necessary documents for the application, but we will ask you for the necessary information.
6.  Starts Working
Follow-up even after they starts working. 

"We will check the  attendance status of the workers"



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